Reason 7 is here! James Wiltshire (Freemasons) demonstrates parallel processing

I have been using Propellerhead’s Reason software since Version 4.0

Now with the recent release of the latest version of Reason, here’s a great video demonstration by James Wiltshire of “The Freemasons” about the new parallel processing feature in Reason 7.0:

Buy Propellerhead Reason 7 from

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Incidentally, you will notice James mention “The Loop Loft” is “rocking his world” at the moment –
Check out my sidebar for some cool bargains on “Beats Like Bonham” and “Simon Phillips Session Tracks” loop packs and get at least 25% off!

The Freemasons, who hail from Brighton, produced this track featuring Bailey Tzuke a few years back which is well worth a listen if you haven’t heard it yet (Judie Tzuke is her mum!):

The Freemasons also currently have some cool FREE stems/tracks to download from SoundCloud here for your remixing pleasure:

And finally, check out this magnificent acapella from the late, great and sorely missed Marvin Gaye!

Wow! Follow that!

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